Sunday, December 12, 2010

Marketing AND Decorating FTW!

Made some wood block ornaments for the stay-at-home moms group I run (SAHM's Club). Look, I managed to make a cute do-hickey that incorporated the group logo. Rock on. They turned out pretty well, but damn, I think I may have given myself carpal-tunnel syndrome sanding 'em down! The blocks are about 1.25" square.

Side 1: Group Logo
Side 2: Pink
Side 3: "SAHM I AM"
Side 4: Blue
Bottom & Top: Orange

Going to try to make photo blocks next (after I forget how much it sucks to make these).


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And so it begins

This week I decided to take the plunge: I'm scheduling photography appointments! I'll be working super cheap and only focusing on kids to start with. And, of course, I'm scared, so I'm only working with friends who'll cut me some slack as I blindly feel my way through this process! Time to pull out my camera manual and start learning how to actually use the thing. . . .

But I'm excited to get started and my family can really use the extra income right now. So, wish me luck!

If you're a friend who'd like some photos of their kids, let me know! Sessions starting at $25 in January; prices will go up as I gain experience and build a portfolio, so schedule an appointment today!
