Saturday, November 20, 2010


Many friends have great blogs, and so I'm inspired to launch one of my own. I'd like to focus more on writing, reading, art and photography. . . but I'm destined to get side-tracked. It's kind of what I do.

Anyway, after two days, I'm still lacking the proper muse for my first post, so I decided to move some of my favorite past artistic endeavors over here. Maybe that will get me going.

So, let's get things started.

This is a piece I wrote in April 2008. . . except I edited my daughters' names out and replaced 'em with their nick-names, Monkey and Bugger.

No jacket today, it's too warm for a jacket.

No crackers in the car; you'll have to wait until we get home.

Don't touch, please. Fragile.

Dinosaurs say "RAWWRRR!"

If you hurt Bugger, you get an automatic time-out.

Stop telling me that you don't like it; you haven't even tried it yet.

Pick your nose in private please. And use a tissue.

There's no need to be scared of bugs.

Mommy is just being silly.

A bubble went into your mouth?! Wow!

You don't need to shout "this is FUN!" whenever you're enjoying yourself. But you can keep doing it, because it's cute.

Please sing to Bugger for me. She's sad.

*mwah* Does that feel better now?

That is called a pine cone.

I don't know that little boy's name. We don't know him.

Yup, Daddy is my best friend. But you're my best friend, too.

What does this say? Can you tell me?

You're the most ticklish girl in the whole world!

You're going to dream about puppies and nursing? Okay, that sounds good to me.

I love you, Monkey. I love you, Monkey. I love you, Monkey.

Yes. I love Daddy too.

Yeah, and Bugger.

Night-night, baby.


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